We at Sea Speak Sphere want to express our gratitude to Alix Davidson, the Senior Regional Director of Green Festivals for equipping us with a wonderful, centrally located display area at the Washington Convention Center during the Washington DC Green Festival and for furnishing art activist Asher Jay with an opportunity to speak out about plastic pollution in marine ecosystems. Message in a Bottle was on display at the Convention Center from September 29th to the 30th 2012 and it encouraged public participation over the entire weekend thanks to the workstation that volunteers of the Festival helped set up. Volunteers Lindsay and Kelsey were also of immense assistance when we had to set up the trellis framework out of discarded ribbons as a false ceiling mesh to hang the individual Message in a Bottle pieces from, and when it came to cordoning off the exhibit with waste tulle and ribbon.
We would like to thank both Seven Star Green Events and the Green Festival for their hospitality and for taking care of all the logistics for the trip.